
研究者のためのプラットフォーム。サイエンス・コモンズ オープニング内覧会が開催されました。

English below. 


サイエンス・コモンズ オープニング内覧会が5月29日、中央キャンパス 研究所棟で開催され、多くの教職員や大学院生、研究者が参加しました。


本学は令和5年度 文部科学省科学技術人材育成費補助事業 ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ(女性リーダー育成型)に選定され、女性研究者の育成や支援に力を入れています。サイエンス・コモンズはその取り組みの一つでもあり、『研究者のためのプラットフォーム・新しい研究が生まれる場』として開設しました。他学科の教員とお互いの研究について語り合って新たな研究を創出し、ライフイベントと両立する研究の進め方など情報が共有できる場です。










The Science Commons Opening Preview was held on May 29 at the Research Institute Building on the central campus and was attended by many faculty members, graduate students, and researchers.

 The University was selected as a recipient of the FY 2023 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Grant-in-Aid for Human Resource Development in Science and Technology's Diversity Research Environment Initiative (Female Leader Development Type), and is focusing on fostering and supporting female researchers. The Science Commons is one of these efforts, and was established as a “platform for researchers and a place where new research is born. It is a place where researchers can discuss their studies with faculty members from other departments, create new studies, and share information on how to conduct research that is compatible with the demands of life events.

At the opening preview, Associate Professor Tomoko Uno of the Department of Architecture presided over the event and President Kazuyoshi Seguchi said, “Not only women, but of course men as well, should focus on research. Someday, I would like to work with a large group of people on interdisciplinary research that transcends faculties,” he said in greeting. Vice President Kyoko Takahashi called on the participants, “Our goal is to use the Science Commons as a catalyst to improve the research capabilities of the entire university, and we hope you will take advantage of KAKEN Juku and the monthly seminars.

 In a segment introducing their own research, seven faculty members talked about the reasons why they chose their research topics and their future goals. One of them said, “I often conduct joint research with professors from other universities, but there are few exchanges within the university. If we could conduct joint research for the future that would be great." While enjoying the meal, the participants talked about their own research and the commonalities among their research.