
生活環境学部長 三好庸隆教授の著書『オールドニュータウンを活かす!』が出版されました。

English below. 










オールドニュータウンには「住環境のリフォーム」「在宅医療・介護」「子育て環境の整備」「デジタル時代の郊外住宅地のあり方」など、社会課題解決に向けての潜在的市場があると三好教授は指摘し、再生ではなく「活かす!」発想が必要と訴えます。オールドニュータウンを活かすビジョンとして、「コミュニティ力の強化・まちの魅力強化」「多様な担い手を育てる」「都市圏中心部と新たな補完関係・共創関係を形成する」など5つのビジョンとビジョンごとの取り組むべき事項を32のTO DOリストに纏めて列挙し、最後に現場の声にQ&Aで答えています。




In December, Professor Miyoshi, who has been involved in planning and designing many new towns, published "Making the Most of Old New Towns! -From the Genealogy of the Ideal City to the Realization of Diverse Living Styles" (Osaka University Press). The book proposes a broad framework of thinking for all those concerned with the current state of new town, and also serves as a "guide" for specific initiatives.

 The number of Japanese-style new towns developed in response to postwar housing needs is said to be 2,022 nationwide, with a total project area of 189,000 hectares, an area equivalent to the size of Osaka Prefecture. This book reevaluates the negative aspects of new towns, which tend to be focused on, such as shopping refugees, problems with vacant houses, and aging housing and facilities. It proposes a concrete vision for the reorganization of suburbs and the revitalization of the old new towns and their lifestyles. Another feature of the book is that it focuses on new towns in the Kansai region.

Professor Miyoshi points out that old new town has a potential market for solving social issues such as renovation of the living environment, home medical care and nursing care, improvement of the child-rearing environment, and how suburban residential areas should be in the digital age, and urges the need to think about the matters.

 Professor Miyoshi stated, "The Japanese version of new town used to be a shining example. It is not right to bemoan them as old new towns after only 50 years or so. We should work with the idea of making the best use of it. We should gather the collective efforts of industry, government, and academia to study new lifestyles, new regions, and new suburbs, and create mechanisms to attract a variety of lifestyle-based businesses to the area.”