| お知らせ将来の妊娠・出産やライフプランに備え、自身の健康について考える「プレコンセプションケアセミナー」が10月23日、中央キャンパスで開催されました。女性研究リーダー育成推進センターが主催し、大学院生や学部生、教職員14人が参加しました。
本学は令和5年度 文部科学省科学技術人材育成費補助事業 ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ(女性リーダー育成型)に選定されており、女性研究者の育成や支援に力を入れています。本事業の一環として、女性研究者や学生らのキャリア形成のために近年注目されているプレコンセプションケア※について知ってもらおうと、プレコンセプションケアを推進する兵庫県と連携し、女性研究リーダー育成推進センターが企画・実施しました。
A “Pre-conception Care Seminar” was held on October 23 at the Central Campus to discuss how to prepare for future pregnancy, childbirth, and to also consider about the health and well-being. Organized by the Research Institute for Women’s Career Advancement and Gender Equality Development, the seminar was attended by graduate and undergraduate students, faculty and staff.
The University has been selected as a recipient of the FY2023 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Grant-in-Aid for Human Resource Development in Science and Technology, Diversity Research Environment Initiative (Female Leader Development Type), and is focusing on fostering and supporting female researchers.
Ms. Ikuko Nagahara, a midwife and representative of the public interest incorporated association “Little Door of Life,” served as the lecturer. She explained what people should know now about pregnancy, childbirth, and reproductive knowledge in order to plan for the future. This followed by group work, and discussions with Ms. Nagahara and Hyogo Prefecture officials.
A student who participated in the seminar commented, “I had never heard of pre-conception care before, but the easy-to-understand explanation helped me gain a better appreciation on the topic. It was a good opportunity for me to look at my life, so that I can self-reflect and collect my thoughts”.