

English below. 












また、北口教授は今年4月、本学が新たな人材育成方針として発表した「MUKOGAWA COMPASS」について解説し、学院を挙げてインナーブランディングに取り組む方針を示しました。


会場では経営学部の学生や阪神電気鉄道の関係者、近隣の人たちが熱心に耳を傾け、質疑応答の呼び掛けに各所から手が挙がりました。「企業全体で一貫したブランドイメージを発信するにはどうすればいいか」という問いに石井氏は「ブランドらしさを示すエピソードを積み上げていけば、徐々にその企業に対する見方が変わってくる」と回答。これを受け、小川氏は「阪神ブランドを浸透させるため、いいエピソードをたくさん発信していきたい」、北口教授は「学生にMUKOGAWA COMPASSをわかってもらえるよう、まい進したい」と語り、それぞれの「ブランド」への思いを確かめ合いました。


A special lecture by the School of Business Administration and Hanshin Electric Railway, ''Building Japanese-style branding together with the railway lines'', was held in the large lecture room in the basement of the Koe Memorial Hall on 25 January, attended by about 130 persons from the related fields and the local community.


 This special lecture was organized to commemorate the completion of the School of Business Administration, which sent out graduates this spring. In the first part, Junzo Ishii, a former academic advisor to Mukogawa Women's University and auditor of Hanshin Electric Railway, known for his research on brands, gave a commemorative lecture entitled 'Evolving Brands'.


Mr. Ishii pointed out that while western organizations establish brands for each market under strong leadership and pursue relative value, Japanese brands tend to pursue absolute value, with the same organization taking in various markets. He noted that long-established Japanese companies have two distinctive characteristics: autopoiesis, in which they change from within themselves, and the "middle movement", which encompasses a wide range of subjects, and added: "Japanese companies change their shape in accordance with the times, but maintain their identity and develop while respecting their ' identity'. The Japanese style of branding is to develop while respecting "uniqueness" and maintaining it while changing its form in accordance with the times.


Students from the School of Business Administration, people from Hanshin Electric Railway and people from the neighborhood listened attentively, and hands were raised from all parts of the venue when he called for a question and answer session.